Buddhist Books B-Roll
[00:32:15]  January 25th, 2022

In this very first “Buddhist Books - Behind the Scenes” episode, not yet called “Behind the Scenes” but rather “B-Roll,” Edward gives a tour of his office/temple in Sant Nagar East of Kailash New Delhi, India, as it was in January of 2022.

He had begun setting up to record the 3rd of the “Lotus Sutra” recitals, but in the spur of the moment decided to walk around the room talking into the camera, probably from too close, showing the various Buddhist, Hindu, Christian, and other statues and banners, and some other things, as well as sharing some stories, anecdotes, and memories directly or indirectly related to these items. Since many of these things are visible in the background during the “Buddhist Books Podcast” recitals, here you can get some up close looks and background behind some of these things in the background.

Watch this Episode on YouTube