Part 1
In which Edward begins reading كِتَابُ الفُتُوحَاتِ المَكِّيَّة by أبو عبد الله محـمـد بن عربي الطائي الحاتمي.

Part 2
Once upon a time in an oasis of civilized diversity sandwiched between a crusade and a Mongol horde...

Part 3
In which Edward, or maybe Gwydion, has a little wine and reads some Hafiz.

Part 4
In which Gwydion attempts to set intellect aside and has a cup of coffee.

Part 5
In which Gwydion joins the Cult of Emperor Akbar.

Part 6
In which Gwydion invokes BT and finishes reading the introduction.

Part 7
Muhammadan Christ-Consciousness Theomorphism-Reality, and Rick Sanchez.

Part 8
Temporally originated Gwydion expounds upon the eternal existent, with a little help from Ibn Arabi.

Part 9
Gwydion reads some light dancing in the Dust.

Part 10
Gwydion reads about the seven ancient planets according to Sufism, then responds to a heckler.

Part 11
In which Pymander gets in touch with his inner Zensunni Wanderer... Dune, anyone? It makes more sense if you've read the prequels.

Part 12
In which BT and psychedelic stereo instructions become sweet lovers.

Part 13
In which Edward has a coffee and Pymander has a cameo appearance.

Part 14
In which Gwydion feebly attempts to use a green screen.

Part 15
In which BT becomes The Floating Egghead of the West.

Part 16
In which Edward compares and contrasts the Mahdi, from the Islamic apocalypse prophecy, and Paul "Muad'dib" Atreides, from Frank Herbert's "Dune."

Part 17
In which BT proclaims the dawning of a new era for Chicken Philosophers.

Part 18
In which Gwydion becomes one of Mahdi's little helpers, and I don't mean the pill. It's a... Stones reference. Never mind.

Part 19
In which Edward goes panning for psychedelic fool's gold on the river banks of Sharia law.

Part 20
In which Jim Morrison makes a cameo.

Part 21
Kyle MacLachlan, hippies on acid, 19th century apocalypse nuts, and you.

Part 22
The Islamic Messiah, Danny Elfman, and Our Lady of Shillong, Meghalaya.

Part 23
In which BT suspends the ol' post-WW1 disbelief.

Part 24
In which Gwydion finishes the part about The Helpers of the Mahdi.

Part 25
In which Michel Chodkiewicz demonstrates 400 ways to use the word "eschatological" in a sentence.

Part 26
In which Ibn Arabi talks about the Four Rivers and the Garden of Eden.

Part 27
In which Ibn Arabi explains about dying without dying so that when you do die... you don't really die.

Part 28
In which Ibn Arabi goes full Vedanta.

Part 29
In which BT suddenly finds himself ritually impure in Baghdad... again.

Part 30
In which Ibn Arabi celebrates religious diversity centuries before it was cool.

Part 31
In which Ibn Arabi comments on the commentaries of the common folk.

Part 32
In which Ibn Arabi looks God straight in the eye and says, "Let's play Master & Servant."

Part 33
In which Sufi Saints outgrow their Servanthood phase.

Part 34
In which the landlord's dog barks incessantly for the first fourteen and a half minutes.

Part 35
In which BT dons a yellow sari and dances to welcome Spring (in November).

Part 36
In which Gwydion just isn't feeling it.

Part 37
In which Edward wears a headband, and Ibn Arabi talks about Jesus.

Part 38
The one where BT goes on about rainbows, and Jesus didn't really die.

Part 39
The one where Ibn Arabi talks about the least effective method of contraception, and Gwydion reminisces about invoking Thoth and tripping out at the mall.

Part 40
In which Edward reluctantly euthanizes Santa Claus.

Part 41
In which Ibn Arabi goes full Vedanta (again).

Part 42
In which Ibn Arabi and Aldous Huxley on mescaline are on the same page.

Part 43
In which BT, Hafiz, and a Buddhist happiness-demon are all on the same page.

Part 44
In which BT and Ibn Arabi visit The Chocolate Factory (if you know what I mean).

Part 45
In which Ibn Arabi's friend's teacher pretends to be a eunuch.