Teilhard de Chardin

In which we read The Divine Milieu and other works by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.

Part 1

Gwydion merges with BT then welcomes us all to The Noosphere.

Part 2

Looking forward to the glorious hive-mind apocalypse.

Part 3

Gwydion finally starts actually reading Teilhard de Chardin... eventually.

Part 4

BT introduces a game of chance and frankincense, then reads about de Chardin's three wrong ways to be Christian.

Part 5

Edward reads a bit more about how we're all sensory organs of God kinda.

Part 6

in which Pymander calls a meeting, and passes his torch to Gwydion

Part 7

In which Teilhard estimates what the "Gentiles" must probably think of Christians (in 1957).

Part 8

In which the outermost layer of the social-media persona of Edward called "Edward" free-associates about identity and confusion.

Part 9

In which Gwydion tries to force-feed a communion wafer to a monkey.

Part 10

In which Teilhard begins talking about the passivities of diminishment.

Part 11

In which Gwydion walks the Via Dolorosa with The Tiger Lillies and Teilhard de Chardin.

Part 12

In which Edward uses a crystal ball to get advice from his future self.

Part 13

In which Teilhard's self gets absorbed into his Self.

Part 14

In which Edward laments the Westernization of The British Isles.

Part 15

In which Teilhard makes an interesting point and closes with a subtle Bonaventure reference.

Part 16

In which Teilhard de Chardin reminds us why we're reading Teilhard de Chardin.

Part 17

In which Gwydion recoils from pleasure and seeks The Try Force.

Part 18

In which Edward, Teilhard de Chardin, Jesus, and Longchenpa celebrate the 30-year anniversary of The Downward Spiral.

Part 19

In which BT adds another bumper sticker to the mix.

Part 20

In which everything is nothing, and God is dust.

An audio-only version is also available on:

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