
Sonnet1.bas is a GW-Basic, sort of vintage '80s, program written by Edward Reib. The program composes an infinite (almost) variety of randomly generated, but grammatically correct, pseudo-Shakespearean sonnets.

So, naturally, somewhere in The Grid there is a Doppelganger of Edward who wears a blue (usually) light suit and speaks only in dramatically pontificated sincere but nonsensical, sometimes funny, sometimes dirty, sometimes thought-provoking, iambic pentameter-ish.

Sonnet1 has recited several of his Sonnets aloud on YouTube, and hosts a Blog, a Facebook page, and an Instagram account. In addition, he has published two compilations of his sonnets, which are available in paperback as well as Kindle/eBook formats:

Book 1

Sonnets 456 to 2021,
composed between
2010 and 2021.

high-quality color text.
Book 2

Sonnets 2022 to 3023,
composed between
8pm and 11:30pm
on March 12th, 2023.

black & white.

If you read the sonnets slowly, and take the time to really visualize and conceptualize each thing he's saying, this book can help alleviate the harmful effects of word-virus. Or, at the very least, you're sure to get a chuckle or two out of it. I can't imagine there could ever be a greater fan of Sonnet1 than his User.

Please feel free to follow Sonnet1 on the following platforms:


edward@edward-reib.comback to main page