VH Frater BT's

Episode 100: JoEl Meeks-Matous

[02:20:28]  November 13th, 2020

BT recites TRANSFORMATIONS chapter 4 verses 9 through 13 for the segment TRANSFORMATIONS and Footnotes, then he and Robby Strong interview JoEl Meeks-Matous, the inventor of the nanotube-aerogel matrix, regarding ancient, modern, and future nanotechnology, climate change, psychedelics, politics, religion, faith and science, Kabbalah and Qabbala.

Episode 99: Amandeep Singh • 2

[03:33:17]  April 30th, 2018

BT introduces a new segment called Indian Magic with Piyu in which she explains Nazar Lagna and Nazar Utarna, then he and Amandeep Singh AKA SwarAdi discuss Sikhism, Tantra, Krishna, Osho, Luciferians, Satanism, Thelema, Golden Dawn, Nagas, Crypto Humans, Lizard People, the Aghori, and many other things.

Episode 98: Buzani Mnguni

[01:39:38]  November 24th, 2017

BT recites Chapter 4 Verses 6 through 8 for the segment TRANSFORMATIONS and Footnotes, then interviews Buzani Mnguni about the Rhodesian Bush War and his exile in Zambia, Scientology in Africa, Christianity, Colonialism, Capitalism, Racism, Communism, and The Gnostic Church of the Black Sun Ku Ho Hu.

Episode 97: Ku Ho Hu & LODRAKA

[01:46:57]  November 20th, 2017

BT defines Bodhi in the Tech-Support segment, then discusses Post-Apartheid Apartheid in South Africa, Scientology, Golden Dawn, Thelema, Voodoo, The Congo, Tendai, Shingon, and The Gnostic Church of the Black Sun Ku Ho Hu with Tau Siddhartha and Frater Yannick.

Episode 96: Adam Scott Miller

[01:20:46]  November 5th, 2017

BT recites Chapter 4 Verses 2 through 5 for the segment TRANSFORMATIONS and Footnotes, then discusses the Universal Hyper-Organism, the Galactic Mother, the Ecology of Energy and Entities, LAM and other Greys, concussions and Astral Sight, as well as Spiritual, Psychedelic, Esoteric, and Visionary Art with Adam Scott Miller.

Episode 95: VH Frater RC

[02:14:25]  October 26th, 2017

BT reads a bit more of The Fama for The REAL Rosenkreuz Orden segment, then he and VH Frater RC discuss Golden Dawn, W.B. Yeats, Atheism, Catholicism, Isaac Newton, Hermeneutics Theology, Semiotics, The Church of the Hermaphroditic Jesus, "The Alchemy of the Shadow and the Tunnels of Set", and The Invocation of Azrael, the Archangel of Death, for Halloween.

Episode 94: The Crooked Path

[00:28:18]  October 17th, 2017

BT recites Chapter 4 Verse 1 for the segment TRANSFORMATIONS and Footnotes, then he and Sal Santoro talk about Walking the Crooked Path: The Path of the Flaming Sword which is BT's workshop at The Crooked Path Occult Apothecary in Burbank California Friday nights at 8pm between now and November 10th 2017.

Episode 93: Indy Rishi Singh

[01:26:26]  September 22nd, 2017

BT recites Chapter 3 Verses 16 through 22 for the segment TRANSFORMATIONS and Footnotes, then discusses Sikhism, Sound Healing, Laughing Meditation, Yoga, Rishis, Kundalini Massage and Hypnotherapy, Sri Yantra, The Singularity, Nicola Tesla, iLiving, and the Civic Sound Bath at the Los Angeles Public Library, with Indy Rishi Singh.

Episode 92½: Last Sanctuary

[01:21:20]  September 10th, 2017

BONUS TRACK: The Last Meeting at BT's L.A. Sanctuary.

Episode 92: Doctor Bones

[01:13:57]  September 8th, 2017

BT recites Chapter 3 Verses 12 through 15 for the segment TRANSFORMATIONS and Footnotes, then discusses Hoodoo, Chaos Magick, Racism, and Politics with Doctor Bones at The Conjure House.

Episode 91: VH Frater DN

[01:21:58]  August 22nd, 2017

BT recites Chapter 3 Verses 8 through 11 for the segment TRANSFORMATIONS and Footnotes, then discusses Healing, Yoga, the floor of The Vault, Greek Orthodoxy, and the Order of the Golden Dawn Universum with VH Frater DN.

Episode 90: Alexandra Gongolski

[02:02:02]  June 11th, 2017

BT takes us up the Path of ק for the segment From Station To Station, then discusses Sidereal, Tropical & Heliocentric Astrology, Magick, Politics, Gender Identity, Thelema, the O.T.O., William Wheeler, and Ad Societatem Angelorum: The Society of Angels with Alexandra Gongolski AKA Soror Ab Eternum, Hillel, and Soror Eve.

Episode 89: Silence & Gnosis

[01:11:00]  May 31st, 2017

BT recites The Meditation On ה from The Book Of Tokens for the segment אבּבגדה, then he and Gnosis interview Silence AKA Robby Strong on the subject of Gnosis and Gnosticism.

Episode 88: Ian Baker

[00:51:29]  May 29th, 2017

BT recites Chapter 3 Verses 4 through 7 for the segment TRANSFORMATIONS and Footnotes, then he and Lindsey Kimura interview Ian Baker regarding The Heart of the World and other Beyul, working with the Dalai Lama, the Jungian Shadow, The Art of Tibetan Healing, and present day devotees of Yeshe Tsogyal, the Mother of Tibetan Buddhism.

Episode 87: Jodi Wille

[01:06:20]  May 18th, 2017

Pymander Aquarian (BT) recites Chapter 3 Verses 1 through 3 for the segment TRANSFORMATIONS and Footnotes, then interviews Vision Way Aquarian (Jodi Wille) the producer and director of The Source Family Documentary regarding that, The UNARIUS Academy of Science, as well as Cults, Communes, and Metaphysical Groups in general.

Episode 86: What Would Yeshe Do? ∙ 2

[03:12:33]  April 28th, 2017

BT recites the next bit of The Secret of the Golden Flower, then interviews Kess Frey regarding Chi Gong, The Five Dhyani Buddhas, Red Tara, and Yeshe Tsogyal, the Mother of Tibetan Buddhism.

Episode 85: Hannah Haddix

[01:34:16]  April 26th, 2017

BT recites Chapter 2 Verses 20 through 22 for the segment TRANSFORMATIONS and Footnotes, then interviews Hannah Haddix regarding Art and Magic, Genesis P-Orridge and Thee Temple of Psychic Youth, Vipassana Meditation, Ayuhuasca, Thee Coyotel Church, the Aghori, The Process Church, Dreams, Sleep Paralysis, and some other things.

Episode 84: Portal Problems

[00:56:47]  April 24th, 2017

BT reads a bit more of The Fama for The REAL Rosenkreuz Orden segment, then he and Joe Shantz give questionable advice to H Frater SIAA, a more or less Traditional Golden Dawn Portal in Key West.

Episode 83: What Would Yeshe Do?

[02:19:42]  April 23rd, 2017

BT recites The Meditation On ד from The Book Of Tokens for the segment אבּבגדה, then interviews Kess Frey about the life and legacy of Yeshe Tsogyal, the Mother of Tibetan Buddhism.

Episode 82: Lon Milo DuQuette ∙ 2

[01:32:52]  April 7th, 2017

BT recites The Meditation On ג from The Book Of Tokens for the segment אבּבגדה, then he and Ella Jensen of Stooping Starlight discuss Thelema and Aleister Crowley, the Ordo Templi Orientis of old as well as the new one, the Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica, "Classic" Golden Dawn, the Goat of Mendes, and Paul Foster Case with Lon Milo DuQuette.

Episode 81: The Great Mystery

[02:02:39]  March 8th, 2017

BT recites Chapter 2 Verse 19 for the segment TRANSFORMATIONS and Footnotes, then he and Lindsey Kimura interview Wiz Garber about the traditions of the Lakota People, the Water Protectors at Standing Rock, The Forgiveness Ceremony between the 7th Cavalry and the Lakota Sioux Nation, and the Seventy-Seven Stones of the Iya Wasi'chu.